Why do we let something like a LIE pass as easily when we're in love? Why do we always UNDERSTAND everything? Why do we have to be so STUPID when we're actually NOT? Why can't we just let it all stop, move on, and live a brand new life?
It hurts. But because we don't want that love to be lost, we can accept every hurt that came our way because of that love. Sometimes, we can't understand what's happening to us. Our mind is always battling with our heart. And it all gets complicated and absurd.
Have you ever felt 'weak-kneed' whenever hate consumes you because of love's betrayal?
A damned miserable feeling that is... And after sometime or so, you would calm. Tired. As if lifeless. And then your stupid heart would makes excuses again for those mistakes, and all over again that cycle would continue.
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