wala akong pera! kailangan ko mag-trabaho!!!!!

the longest sentence running on my mind since last month.

but until now, still, NOTHING. I've got nothing figured out and I can't make out plans. (maybe for some people because of the fact that i can't make out plans, I'm not that interested and determined). Well, i don't care about what others think. Because I REALLY NEED TO FIND A JOB! or at least do something worthwhile for this 'vacant' 8 months until school starts on June. (am i really going to continue school? for real? aww. hope so.)

Call Center Agent/Representative.
It's the only job i could think of for the moment. Why? Because there's no age limit, ANYBODY can apply (grad or undergrad, HS graduate), quite BIG salary, and from what i heard applying in a call center is sooo 'chicken'. I mean, it's so very easy to enter that world. (i should add "i'm willing to be trained" to my answers during interview. lol) 
I'm a Nursing undergrad. (di naman siguro ko uuwi ng luhaan, right?). And my "english" is not that poor naman, it's only 'satisfactory'. hahaha.

I'm doing this for Eros. It's time that I should think of something while passing the time. I can't think of anything to do for 8 months but WORK. I noticed that Motherhood is not that easy, not easy for a "formula-feeding" mom who every 2 weeks buys milk with that scary price. Honestly, everyday, if there's something in mind that I would like to buy for Eros, I could only do nothing but wallow in self-pity since I can't give anything to him. I feel like I'm a very unworthy parent. 
That's why i need to save. save. save. for Eros.

when would i really set my mind into it?