momma's baby boy version

There was a point in my life where i so despised what i LOOK. I would do everything to make my face look like what i want it to be, lessen that big and wide-eyed look, make that pouty mouth thin, and mess with my hairdo to make my round, circular face an illusion of what shape i'd like to have.
But then, when my baby boy Eros came, I conclude that really God has a sense of humor. For making my son the mirror image of moi. ^_^
Even the way he would pout that mouth is sooo much the same as mine. The habit is very remarkable. And it's my famous habit and what people noticed the most and the reason behind family jokes.
Although there were times that I still don't want what I would see in the mirror, I accepted all that. My flaws and imperfections. Nobody ain't PERFECT. At least I'm so thankful that my boyfriend accepted everything about me, from my "flawful" appearance, to my moody disposition. And i love him for that.
A bit disappointed about our son's look (for the time being Eros looks like his momma & never got anything from his daddy, maybe after few more months... ^_^ ), but he loved our son as much as he loves me. 
Indeed, GOD has a sense of humor.