Roll over baby!

a week since Eros's 4th month... *sigh* i really shouldn't be getting this LAZY at opening my blog and writing my entries. sad to imagine that i let pass many splendid moments and haven't wrote something about it, especially those amazing feats that my now 4 month old baby can do. (actually, he can do those feats days before his 4th month. hahaha!) 
to be specific, he can now roll over... and he's now at risk of falling in bed. I wonder what happened to those "small baby" movements..."Malikot" times are here now. And he's getting real naughty. Too early for his age but nothing can take away my happiness. I'm so proud of my son's achievement. 
He has this smile that could really wipe away my pagod and puyat, (as opposed to my strong belief that babies actually CAN'T, because they really could make you look ahead of your real age). But now, since the first time he smiled and laughed, it never fails to "refresh" me... sometimes, he would look at me while i'm chatting to him... like he's paying attention to every word i say intently, and as if understanding what i'm saying, and then he would smile... sometimes, it brought tears to my eyes. 
Currently, he's more fond of sleeping on his stomach than on his back... i wonder why...
and when he's awake, he would always roll over and hold his head up high.
i'm so excited in the months to come! and his first foods!