on having MONEY

LOL. Why is it that whenever we come across to having large amount of money we get this 'happy-beyond-reason-and-life-is-beautiful' feeling? 
Maybe there is truth in this saying, ''money is the root of evil", but is it, indeed? For me, (and for other poor people) there is no 'evil' in having money, but only HAPPINESS and contentment and satisfaction. hehe...
If you've been poor sometime in your life you could only wish that a taste of money for a 'second' last for a lifetime. But in the end, MONEY would be gone. It was as if you never got hold of money. And you start being SAD again, not to mention 'apathy''s back again in your life.

Good to the feeling of spending money on anything and everything you want... but it's just for a moment. And the moment would come when all money's gone again, and you could only do nothing but regret about not SAVING. 

Anyway, I'd better save for the rainy days. Learn to wipe IMPULSIVENESS away.